DCM®, analysis and evaluation of competency performance, focused on continued improvement.



What is DCM ®?


DCM ® is an analysis model based on competencies More information

What does DCM ® provide?

1-You will gain confidence and security

You will discover your strengths and areas for improvement, which will bring you great confidence and security in yourself

2-It will help you to develop your competencies

You will find out where you are in reference to the development of your competencies and from that point, DCM ® will help you to appropriately refocus and grow professionally

3-You will make your greatest investment

You will make your greatest investment. Up until now, DCM was only available to organizations, but the system is now available to everyone, which brings a simplicity, speed and maximum fit to your specific situation at a minimal cost. By making a small investment in yourself, you will receive a high return on your investment



Our products

Free DCM ® Demo

Try a test of our model for free

Universal DCM ®

Complete the Universal DCM ® questionnaire, valid for most positions

Student DCM ®

Complete the Student DCM ® questionnaire, specially for students

Personalized DCM ®

Let us guide you through a decision tree that will take you to the most appropriate questionnaire for your specific case

View detailed product information


If you have professional experience working in an organization, whether large or small, and in any sector, choose at least a couple of people who know your work experience and are willing to assist with your analysis and set up your own DCM ® Register


We are not searching for the truth... we are searching for your truth here and now.

María G.

I was overwhelmed because I had a job interview and I did my DCM, and chose two former coworkers as analysts who know me well.
Knowing my strengths and weaknesses gave me great confidence and helped me to prepare for the interview and anticipate the things I was going to be asked by the interviewer. DCM helped me succeed in the interview and to submit myself as a solid candidate. Even the interviewer was surprised by my level of confidence...

Luis C.

Our organization announced that they were going to do an analysis and possible restructuring of the company. Several colleagues and I agreed to do the DCM, and quite simply, our DCM reports have allowed us to have a tremendous amount of confidence in the conversations we had with consultants in charge of the analysis and restructuring. We have all felt strengthened from the process...


DCM is a pioneer in the development of competencies. It has been helping organizations since 2001.

Following are some anonymous reviews from users of DCM, that have been collected over the years:

The DCM system enables a better evaluation of contributions and greater recognition of people.

Through the DCM, working with more qualitative competencies is producing more tangible results.

It has increased the commitment of my employees.

The teams that were performing well are now performing great and the teams that were already great, are now excellent. Using DCM, has significantly improved the performance and results of individuals and teams.

These reviews as well as more information about DCM can be found in the article about our system that made the cover page of the special magazine Human Capital in 2006.

Improve your competencies TRY IT FOR FREE


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