Once you are registered, choose the product you would like: Universal DCM or Personalized DCM, and click buy now.
Once you are registered in the application, have completed your DCM purchase and you have your own space on "My Web", you can begin the process of completion which consists of a maximum of five steps:
Each analysis in the DCM must have at least three analysts: you, as DCM account holder, and two additional analysts. It is very important that you choose people who know your performance of work, as a student or as a professional, as they will work with you to identify your strengths and areas for improvement.
Once you have chosen and have entered the information into the system (first and last names and email addresses) we advise that you personally inform the people you have chosen to be your analysts.
Important note: If you are not purchasing individually and the DCM has been assigned to you by your organization and they have already previously incorporated the complete database of analysts, you can skip this step.
The analysts are already registered in the DCM system database. The next step will be to assign them to the DCM process that you have started.
On the screen you will see the name of the product you have chosen, your name as account holder of the DCM, and the option to select one of the registered analysts as a privileged informant. You may do this if you think that one of the analysts that you have chosen has more information about your behavior and/or professional path. You may only choose one and their information will be treated specially by the DCM system.
Then you must assign the second of the analysts that you have chosen and will appear in the dropdown menu as "other analysts". If you did not previously designate a privileged informant or analyst, you will need to assign at least two in this tab.
DCM will send an email providing an access link that will allow them to complete the questionnaire. DCM guarantees the confidentiality of your responses and will be processed by the system in a completely anonymous manner.
To finalize this step you must click on "Begin your process".
If you purchased the Universal DCM or the Student DCM, you may skip directly to step 3b, but if you have chosen the Personalized DCM, you must click on 'Define Profile' and follow the instructions that will guide you through a decision tree. The system will configure your professional profile and will incorporate it into the DCM questionnaire.
The questionnaire contains items that correspond to the three fields of analysis:
This field allows us to identify through the analysis of specific behaviors, our ability to self-control, resist stress, organize ourselves, focus on learning, etc.
This field allows us to identify through the analysis of specific behaviors, the way we communicate and interact with others, work as a team, lead... etc.
In this field we analyze: the way we interact and get to know the organization that we belong to or belonged to (as professionals or students), how we relate to other areas of the organization and/or people from other organizations, etc.
Take your time. It is important that you answer the questionnaire calmly and thinking about your answers, checking the box that best corresponds to your behavior. The system gives you the option of checking up to four areas for improvement. If you check more than four, once you finish the questionnaire, the system will show the areas for improvement that you have selected so that you can confirm the four areas that, at this time you consider to be priorities.
You may now begin. With DCM you will open a door to a new experience that will help you to learn and improve your competencies and reach the success you seek. Do not hesitate, DCM is your best investment. ENTER NOW
The first step to access DCM is to register as a new user. You may click directly on "Register" to enter your personal information into the form or you may also access this form from the option to purchase any of the DCM products.
Important note: For purchases made as an organization, we advise you to use a corporate email address when registering rather than a personal one.
If the person making the purchase on behalf of the organization will be actively participating as an account holder of DCM or as an analyst in the process of another person, he/she must create a personal registration in order to access all of the functions as a user of the system, which will require having another email address besides the one used for the purchase on behalf of the "organization".
Once registered, you will choose a product, Universal DCM or Personalized DCM, the number of processes you wish to buy, and then click on buy. If you wish to buy both products, you will have to do separate transactions for each of the products.
Once you are registered in the application, have completed your DCM purchase and you have your own space on "My Web", you can now begin to manage the purchased processes:
Each DCM must have at least three analysts: you, as DCM account holder, and two additional analysts.
As a preliminary step, all the people that will be participating in the processes must first be registered in the system, those who will be DCM account holders as well as those who will be collaborating as analysts.
It is also possible to only register those persons that will be the subject of the DCM and assign the product to them, as we will see further ahead, so that they can be the ones to choose the people that will analyze them, besides themselves.
Both in the case of registering account holders, and incorporating all the participating analysts (could be the entire staff of the organization), this process can be done one at a time or by simply importing them through a completed csv template that the system provides. Simply click "import" and the option will be available.
Once all the analysts have been imported, they are automatically registered in the DCM database and, are therefore, available to participate in processes, both as analysts and on their own DCM as well as on other peoples DCMs.
The product is assigned to DCM account holders.
To do so you must select the option "My purchases", from the menu on the left. On this screen you will see each of the products purchased, and the system will indicate which ones are "unused". Those are the ones that can be assigned by using the dropdown menu on the right to any of the people that had been incorporated into the system database in the previous step.
From this moment going forward, the management and follow-up of the process is the responsibility of the interested party.
The organization is required to inform you of their decision to carry out this process of analysis and evaluation of competency performance.
Once assigned, the DCM system will send a message containing the corresponding access links, to enable access to the web to initiate the process, as indicated below.
The account holders of each DCM must choose from the analysts that the organization has registered in the database. The two analysts considered to be most appropriate will have access to the system. In the event that the organization would like to appoint those analysts, they must inform the DCM account holder to specifically select them from the dropdown menu of analysts provided by the system.
(*) The Organization has completed its process. The following steps must be taken by the DCM account holder by following the directions for completion found in the steps to follow for a specific buyer.
Once the questionnaires have been completed by all the analysts, the DCM system will process all the information and issue a final report, which will be available in the section "My Web" of the interested party and the organization. This will show the evaluation graphs for each competency, strengths and proposed areas for improvement that each interested party should begin to work on, as well as a small guide for development.
The DCM letters correspond to the initials of Diálogo (Dialogue), Comprensión (Understanding) and Mejora (Improvement) and, therefore, it is essential to interview the interested party, by a person that the organization deems appropriate, so that through dialogue and understanding, we may be able to build that bridge to the future through the improvements the DCM system proposes.
DCM opens the door to an experience that will help you to develop the competencies of your employees, to better understand their professional opportunities and to achieve or consolidate with them, the success of your organization. Do not hesitate, DCM is your best investment. ENTER NOW
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